Terms of Service
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Pricing and Payment
Please refer to our menu of services on our website for the most up to date information on testing services offered. Payment is required at sample drop off unless a credit card or banking information is on file with our accounting department. Testing will not begin until payment is processed.
Turnaround Times and Rush Charges
Turnaround times may vary based on test type and the total number of samples provided. Samples must be submitted before 2pm to be considered dropped off that day. Rush orders are subject to laboratory approval.
Test Results
All test results are kept confidential and are your sole property once published. BLACK LABS stands by the accuracy of its verified test results but is not responsible for any fines, fees, penalties or assessments that may result from customers use or misuse of test results.
Sample Submissions and Revisions
Samples and test results are managed through the BL’s order management system online system. You can complete your account setup within BL’s order management system for all new clients. You are then responsible for submitting orders and Chain of Custody (CoC) documents for each sample submitted to us for testing. Additionally, you are responsible for adding additional administrators and team members to your BL’s order management system account.
To comply with AZDHS and maintain the integrity of the analytical process, we will NOT modify orders after you have entered them. If you enter the incorrect name, lot number, batch number, or other data, it is your responsibility to resolve the issue prior to results being published.
Sample Retention Policy
In accordance with AZDHS requirements, in case retesting is requested, we retain all submitted samples for a maximum of 7 days. After that time, remaining samples are destroyed.
Sample Pickup
Free sample pickup and drop-off are available within 25 miles of our Tucson location, with a minimum order of $250. Sample pickup outside of that radius or order amount is available for an additional fee:
Tucson metro area: $50/round trip
Phoenix: $250/round trip
Flagstaff: $300/round trip
Any special instructions regarding pickup (e.g., hours of operation, gate codes, etc.) must be noted in the “Order Comments” section of BL’s order management system. If a sample is not ready for pickup upon our arrival, or we are unable to complete the pickup despite the special instructions provided, you will still be billed for the appropriate round trip sample pickup fee.
Results Review and Validation
A results report, analytical review, and full consultation are provided free of charge. If you wish to challenge your test results or request re-testing for validation, the request must be made in writing to [email protected] within 7 days of the original report publication date. We have the right to accept or deny the request and may use leftover samples to rerun tests. You may be charged for re-testing and required to pay before results are delivered, at our discretion.
BL’s Legal Responsibility
Black Labs, LLC agrees to analyze samples you provide in accordance with the highest industry standards for AZDHS laboratory testing and to comply with all laws and regulations applicable to cannabis testing facilities.
As a condition of our agreement, you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless against liability arising out of any error in our testing process and any governmental action, claim, fine, fee, or assessment brought against us as a result of our lawful testing and analysis of a sample you provide.
As a state-accredited, third-party testing lab, we may be required to report failing test results to the Arizona Department of Health Services, and you may be required to destroy non-conforming products. By signing these Terms of Service, you hereby release us from any liability arising from the results of our lab services.
I hereby accept Black Labs’ Terms of Service and certify that the information provided here is accurate to the best of my knowledge and that in submitting this for testing, I have complied with all applicable state laws or regulations, including laws or regulations regarding the interstate transport or shipping of hemp or cannabis.
I understand that any errors or false statements made in connection with submitting these samples for testing may delay or disqualify me for testing services.
I understand that Black Labs cannot advise me concerning the medical use of any cannabis product or related medical treatment.